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Nupur and Attila’s Platinum Love Story
Precious Platinum - Jul 12, 2021
Nupur Gupta and Attila Bosnyak found their perfect match in each other when they first met in Goa. Despite being from opposite ends of the world, the two built an enduring partnership which only got stronger as they faced the ups and downs of life together. On their anniversary, Nupur writes a letter to Attila – now her husband, her biggest cheerleader, and pillar of strength, reflecting on their story.

“Dear Attila,
When I look back upon our journey together, I think not of grand gestures and big victories, but a million small ways you have supported, loved, and encouraged me so I could turn every challenge into a landmark moment in life.
The very first time I met you at a Yoga Retreat in Goa, I was intrigued by you, this traveler from Amsterdam, finding an escape from his corporate life in the serene bliss of Yoga. But as I got to know you, I realized that we shared the same curious soul and spirit of adventure. However, it was only a few months later when you once again traveled all the way to India to support me through my mother’s illness, that I saw beyond your charming exterior and discovered a true partner. You were my pillar of strength through such a challenging time, even though we had known each other only a short while.
When I packed up my life to move across the globe, I was filled not with sadness about what I was leaving behind, but with excitement for the new life that I would get to build with you. And while you have added to my every joy, you have also supported me through every challenge, enabling me to pave my path on my own terms. When I started to get discouraged about my job hunt amidst the pandemic, you nudged me to see this as an opportunity to start my very own venture in yoga and wellness, something which is close to my heart. You lent your business acumen to help me streamline my vision and get it off the ground. Knowing that you will always have my back, I was able to power through my doubts over starting afresh in a brand-new setting. The hours spent brainstorming with you, trying to understand the local audience was key to making Nupurna Yoga & Wellness the success that it is. Today, I have something that fulfills me not just professionally, but also spiritually, as I get to change people’s lives across the world every day, and I am so grateful to you for pushing me past my inhibitions to realize my dreams.
When I recovered from COVID in India and returned home, I was overjoyed to be back with you and our beloved puppy Sukhiram, but I also felt deeply saddened by the worsening condition of India. I wanted to do something for not just the physical but also the mental wellness of people that were affected by this pandemic. You did not just sense what weighed heavily on my mind, but once again inspired me to put my thoughts into action. With your never-ending motivation and corporate experience, I was able to redirect funds from Nupurna’s corporate Yoga packages towards covid-relief work in India. And as much pride and happiness I feel being able to contribute to improving mental health care back home, I feel just as much love for you, for your guidance, and unique perspectives that allowed me to turn this and every other hurdle into a milestone.
Our love truly seems to bring out the best in me by enabling deeper levels of strength, by making me hopeful for a better tomorrow. I say we’re off to a pretty spectacular start, and I can’t wait to see what else is in store for us in the future.
Happy Anniversary, my love!
Nupur & Attila chose to mark their anniversary with these diamond-studded Platinum Love Bands. Platinum’s naturally white hue complements the brilliance of diamonds, making it appear brighter, similar to how Attila makes Nupur shine brighter through it all.