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Anushka & Karan’s Platinum Love Story
Precious Platinum - Apr 3, 2023
Entrepreneurs Anushka Nandani and Karan Sawhney first met in junior college where they were quick to become friends and gradually transitioned into partners. Anushka shares, “ We were introduced by a mutual friend. I was fairly new to the college and still in the process of getting to know my surroundings. Safe to say, Karan and I hit it off instantly!”
Passionate about football and determined to make a mark in the sporting world, a few months into their friendship, Karan departed for Jharkhand to train for the sport professionally. At this crucial time and all the other difficult phases that followed Anushka’s friendship and love were his guiding lights. Karan shares, “Shifting from Mumbai to Jharkhand alone at the young age of sixteen was an overwhelming change. Plus, I’d taken an unconventional route! I’d given up college and started training for professional football – a sport that wasn’t even popular in India back then.
Big decisions are easy to make but the difficult part is following them through while staying focused on your ultimate goal. I still remember the apprehension I used to feel during those times – the feeling that I’d probably made a wrong turn as I saw my friends flourish in college and later with their jobs and work their way towards a stable income. During these years and the years that followed Anushka remained my sounding board. When I shared these thoughts with her, she said, ‘Karan, everyone has their own story and paths to follow. You have carved your own way courageously to pursue your passion. Don’t let what others do deter you from being your best.’ And, as time flew by, these words of hers became my motto.
When you’ve taken an unusual path in life, many expect you to fail. It’s rare to find people who cheer you on and stick by your side. Anushka was the one who cheered the loudest. And, when I did stumble, she was the first person to hold out a helping hand and dust me off! As I made my way through multiple rounds of selections, shuttled through different cities, pushed my body’s boundaries with rigorous training, and sacrificed my social life while staying away from my family – Anushka was a constant. We could go talking without days due to both our busy schedules but pick up easily where we left off unhesitantly. While we couldn’t be present with each other all the time, we knew that if one of us needed the other nothing would stop us from being there. On reflection, I think this thought process has been a significant part of our relationship. The transparency we share and the incredible amount of trust we have in each other have made us independent and stronger rather than two individuals who are dependent on each other.”

For Anushka, Karan’s perseverance to do what he loves has spurred her to spread her wings and take leaps fearlessly. She shares, “ Karan’s determination and focus have definitely rubbed off on me over the years. I’ve never been a person who took huge leaps of faith but with his encouragement, I was finally able to leave my cushy yet conventional corporate job behind and take a dive into the world of fitness – a topic I’ve been endlessly fascinated with. He urged me to follow my heart and ignore the naysayers.
I did start small and slow, with a little fitness studio after my certification. But the big break came along as we both collaborated to launch our own fitness program which has continuously thrived and I haven’t looked back ever since.”
Sharing their unfiltered thoughts and stepping up for one another at every turn, Anushka and Karan successfully transition between being life partners and business partners. Reflecting on this seamless switching of roles, Anushka remarks, “ The love we share strengthens our coordination as co-founders. When one of us falls back, the other one brings the focus back to the bigger picture. Over time, we’ve both learned that we want what’s best for each other and rise up together.”

Putting each other before everything else and teaming up to raise the bar to new heights, Anushka and Karan’s love has led them to thrive. Celebrating their rare love are Platinum Love Bands, crafted out of pure platinum – one of the rarest metals on earth.