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Planning your wedding? Don’t forget to add “Life insurance” to your to-do list!

Getting that dream venue, perfect lehenga, and head-turning jewelry – planning for your wedding is one of the most exciting times in your life! Caught up in the anticipation of the big day, it is easy to overlook the days that come after. Your wedding is undeniably important, but so is your life ahead with your partner, and one crucial element to secure their future is ‘life insurance’!

Tata AIA’s latest campaign “Karlo Shaadi ki poori Taiyaari” is dedicated to the cohort of to-be-weds and newlyweds this coming wedding season. Innovative and with a slice of humor, the campaign aims to delight and educate the youth on the necessity of insuring what matters most—their spouse. Released across select hoardings and circulated extensively over social media channels, the campaign featured smart placement and witty messaging next to shops you would visit for your wedding shopping, such as jewelry, suiting, and lehenga stores!

Tata AIA wedding campaign

Elaborating on the new campaign, Girish Kalra, Chief Marketing Officer, Tata AIA Life Insurance, shared, “Marriage is an auspicious event that marks the beginning of an exciting chapter in one’s life. It also means the need to prepare for a financially secure future, for our life-long partner. Our new campaign “Karlo Shaadi Ki Poori Taiyaari” aims to blend the excitement of the wedding and the importance of long-term financial security in a playful way. We endeavor to partner with our consumers and enable them to be Taiyaar (prepared) for all the moments (positive or negative) that life has to offer. With our term insurance solutions, guarantee income products, wealth creation plans, or retirement offerings, we ensure our consumers live a fikar-free (worry-free) life.”

Tata AIA wedding campaign

Sharing his insight on the campaign, Yash Chandiramani, founder and chief strategist of Admatazz shared “With this campaign, we decided to crash weddings in a good way! We connected a life insurance plan as a natural element of the wedding checklist. Our approach was simple yet effective: place life insurance right where the wedding shopping is happening, with ads that catch your eye without weighing down the mood. We are thrilled with the response and glad to play a part in Tata AIA’s communication strategy that addresses serious stuff but in a light-hearted manner”.

While you are surrounded by joy and excitement in the days leading up to your wedding, make sure to tick one important thing off your list – securing your spouse with a life insurance plan!

Tata AIA wedding campaign
Tata AIA wedding campaign

Take that next step today! Learn more about TATA AIA life insurance here.

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