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Seven Couples, Seven Vows. Khushi and Dinesh


Every relationship is unique. Every marriage is special. And so are the promises that two people in love made to each other. In this series, WeddingSutra meets seven beautiful couples and discovers the promises they made to each other for the lifetime.

Khushi, a Brand & Public Relations Manager and Dinesh, a Businessman dated for seven years before they got married on 1st February, 2014. The Mumbai-based duo got married at The Corinthians Club & Resort in Pune.

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How we met
“It was a week since I had joined college, and by then I had introduced myself to all my classmates, and I made some good friends too. Week two, a new guy joined the class. I looked at him and walked past the bench where he was seated. I then casually remarked to my friend that this ‘new guy’ looks ‘snobbish’. My first impressions were somewhat right though not true; Dinesh didn’t come up to introduce himself to anyone, he takes a little time to connect with new people, but thanks to my first impression some of us girls thought he was ‘snobbish’. I never really took an effort to get to know him until we were part of the same group for a class project. We talked, and then talked a little more. The fact that he didn’t speak much to other girls, and only to me, made me feel special; soon I started liking him, and I kept wondering what he thinks of me.”

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“One day, we began talking at a class-mates party, and that is when Khushi realized that I like her too. It was a special day in our lives, the day when both of us knew we like each other, and then on it was the start of a beautiful relationship, we even pursued our post-graduation together, and after seven years it was time to exchange vows.”

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What we love and appreciate about each other
“Dinesh does all that he can to keep me happy- he panders to my silly whims and supports me in my big plans- be it something I crave to eat, a shoe I want to wear, a necklace I wish to buy or a city I want to see. I have had lots of friends and each one of them have been special, but Dinesh is truly my best friend- what is really interesting is how well he reads my mind. Sometimes I don’t even need to articulate it- he has the ability to read it, and tell me what I want, the fact that he is blessed with his ability, is what makes him my true soul mate.”

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“I have always appreciated Khushi’s open and honest approach to work and life. She expresses her opinions, yet does not hurt. She likes to talk, and is a good listener.  She understands that all of us have our flaws and limitations, our strong and weak moments. There are times when I feel low, and she really knows how to get me upbeat again, and she does it gently without pushing me. We all need our space, but there are times we are happier sharing space. Most importantly, she is great fun to be with.”


Love, Life and Marriage
Says Khushi: “It is difficult to talk about the beautiful thing called marriage in a few lines- but if I have to say it, I’ll say marriage is sharing lives. A union through which you plan all your important decisions together and a partnership where you pledge to execute all your happy ideas together.”

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Says Dinesh: “I would like to talk about what marriage has done to me. Marriage, I think has made me complete- when Khushi is beside me, I see something magical happen to me, and my positive energy levels soar.”

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What we look forward to
“We want to lead a life where we enjoy each and every phase, and embrace change happily and together. We want to explore different destinations around the globe (we’ve already put together a wish-list). And we want to cherish each and every moment of this memorable trip, called life.”

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Just Married? Would you like to be one of the couples to be featured on ‘Seven Couples Seven Vows’. Email us at weddingsutra@gmail.comwith the subject line ‘Seven Couples Seven Vows’, your names, when (date) and where (city) you got married, how you met and two photos (a pre-wedding or engagement photo, and your wedding photo)

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