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Priya and Deepanshu’s Platinum Love Story

Priya and Deepanshu’s Platinum Love Story

Priya Manchanda, a corporate communications professional, and Deepanshu Manchanda, CEO of Zappfresh’s first date lasted more than seven hours as they talked about everything under the sun, from their life goals to their shared love for food. Priya shares, “We met through a matchmaker in Delhi, and on the first date itself, we clicked instantly. We realized that we had similar values, interests, and lifestyles. However, we did take our time to get to know each other before making the final decision.”

Giving love a second shot is never easy but with Deepanshu readily accepting the fears that stemmed from her past experiences, Priya was smitten. Deepanshu reflects, “I knew that Priya needed time to come out of her shell as she had her own share of fears. And, to show her that I understood this, gave her the space she needed, wore my heart on my sleeve, and swept my own fears aside.” Priya adds, “Having experienced heartbreak before, I was instinctively hesitant about tying the knot again. But Deepanshu understood my apprehensions. He never rushed me and embraced me with all my fears.”

A safe haven that is free of judgment as they learn from each other, Priya and Deepanshu’s relationship grows stronger as they nourish it every single day. Priya shares, “Both of us are each other’s toughest critics and biggest cheerleaders. Whenever Deepanshu gives me honest feedback, there’s no room for me to get defensive as I know that he’s got my best intentions at heart. We work together as a team on our blind spots and empower each other to shine brighter. We’ve empathized with each other throughout the high and the low points of life. If I stumble or make a mistake, I know that I have Deepanshu to lean back on and the same holds true when he’s down on his luck.”

Priya and Deepanshu’s Platinum Love Story
Priya and Deepanshu’s Platinum Love Story

Their seamless rapport has also propelled them towards contentment as they find joy in the everyday things that most take for granted. Priya continues, “Our bond has also made us more content in life as it’s dawned upon us that happiness can be found in places where you least expected it to be! Previously, I used to think that love was all about dramatic gestures or had to be similar to fairytale-like romance! But being with Deepanshu has opened my eyes to the fact that romance can be just as easily found in small, meaningful gestures. He knows that if he’s having a bad day, all he has to do is give me a call and I will hear him out! Similarly, he also understands my need for space when I’m busy untangling a problem. And, sometimes, when both of us have had a stressful day, we mutually understand that there’s no point talking about it! Instead, we just sit back, relax and watch a movie or zoom off for a long drive! Being there for each other during times like these has drawn us closer and made our relationship grow. Today I am happy and grateful for the simple yet beautiful life I’ve built with Deepanshu. For us, there is no one hero in our relationship. In fact, our relationship is the ‘hero’.”

Amazed at how Deepanshu’s reassuring presence in her life has diminished the role of anxiety, Priya shares, “I’ve always been an anxious person whose imagination can sometimes go overboard. And even though I’m still trying to cope up with this, Deepanshu’s constant reassurance which is as simple as, ‘Priya, everything is going to be ok.’ has instilled a sense of faith and trust in me. Thanks to him, I’ve learned to let go. I know that I can fall back on him when I’m overwhelmed or disoriented. He’s understood the way I’m wired and never shied away from extending a helping hand even when he’s busy with work. With him, I can confidently face the future knowing that it’ll all work out. And even if it doesn’t, I know we’ll work everything out together. This faith, strength, and courage that I’ve built within myself is only because of him.”

Priya and Deepanshu’s Platinum Love Story
Priya and Deepanshu’s Platinum Love Story

Deepanshu, on the other hand, has absorbed Priya’s sense of discipline and commitment that she has towards every aspect of her life. He shares, “Priya walks the talk. If she says she’ll do something, she’ll do it. And I know that I rely on her blindly. She manages her time exceptionally well and can manage a plethora of tasks like a pro. Earlier, I would be scrambling with my schedule constantly but taking inspiration from her, I’ve learned to tackle every day in a more organized and efficient manner which has, in turn, led me to become a better entrepreneur and husband.”

Paving the way for trust, acceptance, and contentment, Priya and Deepanshu’s strong bond has empowered them as individuals and as partners. And to symbolize their rare connection, they chose Platinum Love Bands. Promising a lifetime of shine and staying true to its naturally white hue year after year, Platinum Love Bands is the perfect ode to your enduring love.

Priya and Deepanshu’s Platinum Love Story

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